Wooden privacy fences are stylish for homeowners because they deliver security and solitude from strangers and other elements. There are various kinds of wooden privacy barriers on the market. Fence companies in Jacksonville offer excellent data on the different types of privacy fencing obtainable for your house.
No other wooden privacy border type conveys more polish to your property than a lattice top privacy fence. It is beautiful to look at but is also agreeable for most landscaping strategies. This fence style observes an intimate pattern that delivers plenty of solitude while demonstrating very little to strangers. It supplies a feeling of protection, security, and a feeling that you have a lofty stronghold around your parcel because of the tightly joined wood slats. Selecting long-lasting, weather-resistant materials for your lattice top privacy fence is critical, or it will demand considerable maintenance, mainly if the latticework is sensitive to mold, deterioration, or decay.
A lock board privacy fence is like a lattice top fence, but it appears more uniform from top to bottom. It is often chosen for function instead of aesthetics, and while it looks impressive, it lacks the ornamental features of a lattice top fence. The panels for this fence are fitted in a tongue-and-groove technique, forming a solid barrier that intercepts the view from the outside. A locking panel border can seamlessly observe the silhouettes of your property, whether it includes elevations or not. This design effectively obstructs airflow and is appropriate for windy locations, but this kind of fence is not advised if you demand the breeze to cool your parcel.
A stockade-style wooden barrier is the most standard because of its general assembly. It is a picket fence developed to connect with supports closely. It is also deemed one of the most secure and unassailable types of fencing because of the absence of voids between boards. This fence delivers comprehensive privacy and decreases the amount of racket that can move through the property. Additionally, intruders will think twice before scaling the wall because of its irregular, pointed top. Stockade-style fences can employ several distinct kinds of lumber in their configuration.
In the most classic sense, a board-on-board barrier is not developed for privacy because it still permits breezes to wash through your property. However, many believe it is a better choice than a picket fence because it looks more appealing on both sides. After all, the panels are built alternate to one another on the main rail, so both the front and back of the boards are observable. If you want to eradicate gaps, panels can be installed near each other while allowing room for the draft to pass through. The risk of collapse of board-on-board fences is heightened during inclement or gusty weather. You can easily solve this problem by burying the posts deeply and firmly anchoring them. This act requires at least one-third of the entire height of a post to be buried deep and then sealed in position with concrete or stone.
No matter what type of privacy fence you prefer, you are assured of having an appealing wall that offers advantages that you may not see every day. Our fencing contractors in Jacksonville can help you locate the privacy fence that will function best on your property. Do not hesitate to call us with questions today!